These Generals continue to suppress, imprison and kill many millions of their own people.
This enables them to consolidate their power, allowing them to accumulate and secure their personal wealth.
FREEDOM and JUSTICE for Burma is crucial therefore, YOUR COMMENTS to complete the information is highly appreciated.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Kyaw Win - 080007 ေက်ာ္ဝင္း

Title: Lieutenant-General (BC.10194 – OTS.30)
Chief of Bureau of Special Operation - 2 (Shan, Kayah State)
SPDC MEMBER since November 1997

DOB : 03.01.1944
Married to: Daw San San Yee

Retired: June 2008 (see below article please)

Also the -
* Chief - Defense Service Training

Not to be confused with the Deputy Intelligence Chief, Kyaw Win in 1988 was the Tactical Operations Commander No.1 of the Eastern Military Region under Vice-Sr-Gen Maung Aye (BC.7875 – DSA.1).

He commanded MOC-12 (Kawkereik) and in 1995, he commanded the Northern Military Region in Myitkyina.


Reshufling - June 2008 (excerpt)
Burma's military establishment has a total of five officers in its BSO. While Maj Gen Maung Bo, one of the five BSO officers was spared, the other four – Maj. Gen. Ye Myint, Maj. Gen. Aung Htwe, Maj. Gen. Kyaw Win, and Maj Gen. Khin Maung Thann - were made to retire, in order to make way for the newly transferred officers.

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